What is the quickest way to buy Gold from Cameroon- Buy Gold In Cameroon

What is the quickest way to buy Gold from Cameroon, For those who are interested in buying gold in Cameroon, they may find it to be a little bit tricky. There are many steps that need to be taken before you can get your gold. This article will walk you through these steps so that you can buy gold from Cameroon quickly and easily!

1. Packing of gold bars/Nuggets/dust and Gem stones

Once you have decided to buy gold from Cameroon, it is important to know how the process works and how you can ensure that you don’t get ripped off.

Here Are Some Tips For Buying Gold:

Gold is usually packed in a box of 10 bars/nuggets or less. When it comes to packing your gold, there are two methods that are used: either you can use plastic bags or containers made of wood or plastic. The first method involves putting all of your gold into small plastic bags and then placing them into another bag which can be then sealed with tape before being placed in another larger bag with more tape until all the gold has been put together into one large package.

The second method involves simply placing your nuggets/bars directly inside a container which can be sealed up using either rope or wire so as not to break any pieces off while transporting them back home if they fall out during transit time; this method is common among miners who wish not only protect their investments but also prevent anyone else from stealing anything while they’re gone working at their mine sites.”

2. Processing of Precious Minerals Export License.

  • Processing of Precious Minerals Export License.

Before exporting your gold, you need to get a license from the Ministry of Mines. This is called a Precious Minerals Export License or PMEL. The process isn’t easy—it costs money and takes time—but it’s required by law before you can export any precious minerals out of Cameroon.

The First Step Is To Gather All The Required Documents:

  • Your passport with visa if applicable (for expats)
  • Copy of your business registration certificate (if applicable)
  • Photocopy of your National ID card/Visa Card/Passport/Cameroonian Identity Card (if applicable)

3. Obtaining of Transfer and Sale of Gold Bar/Nuggets/Dust and Gem Stones permit from the Ministry of Mines.

  • Obtaining of Transfer and Sale of Gold Bar/Nuggets/Dust and Gem Stones permit from the Ministry of Mines.

A permit is a document that authorizes you to do something. In this case, it allows you to sell the gold that you have mined. The duration of this permit depends on how much gold you have mined and the cost is determined by the amount of gold that you have mined.

To obtain this permit, one must submit their application letter for transfer and sale along with required documents as shown below:

4. Obtaining of precious Minerals Export Certificate from the Ministry of Mines

The Ministry of Mines is responsible for issuing the precious minerals export certificate. This is a government document that allows you to export gold from Cameroon. It is valid for one to five years and should be obtained before you ship your gold out of the country.

  • Contact us by telephone or email (see contact information below). We will then send you an application form that must be completed and returned along with all necessary documents as required by law, including photos, copies of passports and proof of residency/citizenship status in your country. You can also apply in person at any branch office throughout the country; however, this might take longer than sending your request via post or email due to potential delays associated with processing paperwork physically rather than digitally

5. Obtaining of Gold Export Certificate from the Customs Service to enable us air freight the product abroad only after payment of all government obligations.

  • Obtaining of Gold Export Certificate from the Customs Service to enable us air freight the product abroad only after payment of all government obligations.

The gold export certificate is required to export gold from Cameroon. The gold export certificate can be obtained from the customs service once all legal documentation has been completed, paid for and approved by them (a process that can take up to 2 weeks).

6. Issuance of National Validity Certifcate to enable us process for final shipment document in the Ministry for Mines for delivery purpose FOB Douala Sea Port or Airport as you may indicated in your buyer’s LOI or ICPO as protocol demand will allow with terms of payment as agreed upon by both parties on Purchase and Sales Agreement Contract (PSA).

  • Issuance of National Validity Certificate to enable us process for final shipment document in the Ministry for Mines for delivery purpose FOB Douala Sea Port or Airport as you may indicated in your buyer’s LOI or ICPO as protocol demand will allow with terms of payment as agreed upon by both parties on Purchase and Sales Agreement Contract (PSA).

You can find gold from Cameroon very quickly!

A trusted gold buyer will be able to help you with the paperwork and make sure that you get paid quickly. They will also arrange for your export license, export certificate, and national validity certificate. You need to know the terms of payment in advance so that you can pay up front or save up for it later. You should also know how long it will take them to deliver your gold back home if this is something important to you.

How to Order Gold from Cameroon

Looking for How to Order Gold from Cameroon? Bonasgld is the best directive to purchase Gold in Cameroon Africa. Ready to purchase gold from Africa? Not too fast. You may not be quite ready to place an order yet. Before you proceed to the order form, please read this vital piece of information below.

Gold Dealers Licence

How many gold deposits are there in Cameroon, according to CAPAM, at least 140 gold deposits have been identified in Cameroon, the majority being of an artisanal mining nature. The gold produced traditionally does not always follow formal channels. Out of 100 kg each month, 90 kg go to traffickers.

Where is gold mined in Cameroon?

Where is gold mined in Cameroon, However, small-scale mining is carried out in regions bordering the Congo, Gabon, and the Central African Republic. In 2004, gold produced in the whole of Cameroon was estimated to be 44,000 pounds and was largely produced by small-scale miners, particularly in the eastern region of Cameroon.


If you want to buy gold from Cameroon, you can do it very quickly! I hope that this article has helped you understand the process for buying gold from Cameroon, Contact us


BONAS GOLD Exceptional gold mining and trading company located in the Bertoua, Eastern Region of Cameroon. If you are looking forward to invest in gold business in Africa in general and Cameroon in particular, BONAS GOLD is is your perfect partner.