
We are committed to setting the benchmark for responsible mining. We believe that as a responsible corporate citizen, our duties include assisting the development of the mining industry in Cameroon while working diligently to manage the impact of our operations, to provide a safe workplace for our employees, and to ensure that our host communities and Cameroon at large gain long-term sustainable benefits from our mining activities.

Where to Buy Gold in Africa: Top Destinations & Trusted Dealers
Where to Buy Gold in Africa: The Best Locations for Reliable Gold Dealers Gold has long been a symbol of
Gold Mining Ventures in Africa
Gold Mining Ventures in Africa-Top Gold Mining Companies In Africa , Gold mining has been a cornerstone of the economy
This is a description of how to trade gold online. Since the price of gold is constantly fluctuating, it can
Where Should I Store my Gold
The actual belonging and control of your bullion is one of the fundamental advantages of putting resources into goldbullion bars